Hello, today Im going to write about a
social issue, sincerely I don’t know exactly of what to write, there are a lot
of issues to talk about.
But maybe one that I have been watching is that the
kids are not enjoying his childhood like they should. In this case Im refering
that they are trying to act like they were older. For example they want to have
a phone, in other cases they want to already drink alcohol or things like that.
I think about thecnology, that it’s useful to have all that things, but we have
to be carefully.
I prefer to give to a kid a toy instead of a cellphone, and I
have seen a lot of parents who take the easy way, then they ask why their kids
are problematic or other issues. The consequences are that then when the kids
get older, they are going to be spoilded kids, and change that is hard. But
this is a problema that I don’t think is for the administration. But a problem
that can be resolved by the administration is that the kids don’t learn about
the civic duty, In my
personal case I don’t know too much about that topic, and it’s because the
schools doesn’t help you with this, I only know a few things because of my
parents. The way to solve this is that the state put it in school like a
subject, so the kids can learn about it.
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